What's a Travel Story - Traveler’s tales and adventures. Tell us your interesting stories and reports from the beaten track, the weird and wonderful events that define your trip. Spat on by a camel, monkey stolen your backpack, drunk under the table by a friendly Siberian.It used to be that many Mennonites could tell travel stories about how forced emigration or religious persecution disrupted their lives.
But with religious toleration and permanent homes a new situation has emerged for Mennonites: how to maintain a counter-cultural witness alive in a multi-cultural, multi-valent society.Oriental Tales Magazine is an online short story publisher devoted to showcasing entertaining and thought-provoking travel stories from East Asia. In every new issue, readers will be able to view seven new short stories by travel writers who want to share their knowledge and experience of the Orient.
Do feel comfortable booking travel with our partners. They have all been very carefully selected and we do monitor them to ensure that our visitors receive the best travel service and the best value.Travii.com is the the place for travel stories, to book hotels, view tours and learn about world travel destinations.